Tips to Help You Prepare for your First Electrolysis Session

There are SO many myths about electrolysis out there in the world that it’s hard to know where to start when it comes to actually preparing for your first session.

You’ve finally made the life changing decision to get electrolysis; congratulations! This is such an exciting time, and we don’t want you to spend it worrying about the unknown.

To help put your mind at ease, here are a few suggestions to prepare you for your new hair-free life and your first electrolysis appointment.

First things first:

  • Find a certified, reputable electrologist. We can’t stress the importance of this enough. How do you know if your electrologist is certified? It should say so on their website, but you can also check through the American Electrology Association. You should also check Yelp, Google, and Facebook for reviews and make sure that your electrologist has received positive feedback and/or addressed any of their negative reviews.

  • Schedule a consultation. A qualified electrologist will want to meet with you before your first session to assess your needs and answer any questions you may have. Not sure what kind of questions to ask? Check out our Electrolysis FAQ page here.

Now that you’ve found your electrologist and made the decision to go forward, here are some do’s and don’ts to keep in mind before your first appointment:

  1. Don’t shave for at least a week. This can be terrifying at first, but you’ll get used to it - we promise! (and makeup can hide stubble incredibly well). Truth be told, no one is going to notice your facial hair the way you do. If you’re very concerned about this, try not to schedule any social outings the week before your first session. Take some extra time for yourself and amp-up your self care routine. You’re making a life-changing decision by choosing electrolysis; be kind and gentle to yourself! You are beautiful and amazing and no amount of body hair will ever change that.

  2. Don’t believe everything you read on the internet. If you’ve done your due diligence when it comes to selecting a qualified electrologist, you’ve probably digested more than enough information about electrolysis in general. Google can be a very scary place; if you’re nervous about your appointment, we suggest that you don’t google-yourself crazy.

  3. Do contact your electrologist if you have any preliminary concerns. Just because we suggested that you stay off of the internet doesn’t mean that we don’t want you to effectively address your concerns. Contact your electrologist to help put your mind at ease, or check out our FAQ page here.

  4. Do remove your makeup before your appointment. It will make things easier on your electrologist and it will help to ensure that your pores are nice and clean before the process begins.

  5. Do discontinue any retinol/retinoid treatment before your first appointment. We recommend that you stop using harsh topical skin treatments at least 3 weeks before your first appointment. Electrolysis will likely irritate your skin after the first few sessions. If you’re using products that chemically exfoliate your skin, that irritation will be much worse, and can even cause permanent scarring. Put those treatments on the shelf for the duration of your electrolysis journey; you can come back to them once your skin is hair-free!

  6. Don’t spend too much time in the sun. Just like harsh skin treatments can exaggerate irritation caused by electrolysis, exposure to too much sun can leave your skin aggravated.

  7. Do relax and be proud of yourself! Electrolysis is an incredible life-changing decision that takes dedication. You’re doing something amazing for yourself, so just relax and let the process do what it does best: permanently eliminate your problem-hair! Take yourself out for a drink or dinner to celebrate; you’ve earned it!

Have more questions or want to schedule an electrolysis appointment with Crystal? Contact us here.

Glow on gorgeous!

The Simply Crystal Team

6 Skincare Tips for the Fall and Winter

Fall is upon us, friends. The kids have gone back to school, the breeze is crisp, and the pools are closing. If you’re like us, you’re sad that summer is ending but also VERY excited for pumpkin spice everything, cute sweaters and boots, and Oktoberfest beer.

While the drop in humidity that comes with fall feels like a much needed break from sweating, it also means that your skin and hair need a little more TLC.

You know that feeling when you wash your face at night and your face is as tight as your skinny jeans? We want to prevent that nastiness starting NOW.

We promise that bringing moisture back into your skin doesn’t have to be complicated. Whether you have dry, oily, or combination skin, these 6 tips will help your face stay glowing throughout the fall and winter.

1.  Use an oil: We love  this 100% organic beauty oil from The Ordinary (The Ordinary is an AMAZING affordable skincare brand). No matter how dry the winter gets, if you’re religious about applying this oil in the evening, your skin will stay dewy, moisturized, and soft. It’s safe for the acne-prone and is perfect over your regular nightly serums and/or moisturizers. Oh, and supermodel Miranda Kerr swears by it.

2.  Switch to a heavier moisturizer: We know that deep moisturizers can be scary, especially if you have oily or acne prone skin. But if you have a face, you need to moisturize it differently in the winter. We love Dermalogica’s Intensive Moisture Balance cream.

3. HYDRATE HYRDRATE HYDRATE. We know, we know, but we had to say it. In the winter, you’re less likely to notice the signs of dehydration and therefore you are at extra risk of under-nourishing your bod (AND SKIN!). Stay hydrated and your face will thank you.

4. Get regular facials. Trust us. Nothing will help your skin rejuvenate and stay supple and dewy in the driest months of the season like regular facials! As your skin dries and flakes off, it can get trapped in overgrowth and clog up your pores. Consistent facials will prevent this from happening and leave your skin dewy and gorgeous, even through the coldest winter.

5.  Keep moisture in the air. Use a humidifier to add moisture in your home and ease the effects of dry air on your beautiful face. You won’t regret it, we promise.

6.  Use Sunscreen: Like dehydration, we are far less likely to think about sun protection in the winter because frankly, sometimes it’s hard to remember the last time we felt the sun grace us with her beautiful presence. But the experts keep telling us that she’s still hiding up there and her harmful rays are still penetrating our skin. Lucky for us, skincare is VERY in right now and almost any worthy moisturizer will come with SPF protection. We love Laura Mercier’s Tinted Illuminating Moisturizer and Suntegrity 5-in-1 Natural Moisturizing Face Sunscreen.

Glow on, gorgeous!

Questions? Comments? General Feedback? Let us know!


The Simply Crystal Team

Our Favorite Drug-Store Skincare Products

Skin is IN. Women are embracing skincare and skin health like never before, and although we LOVE that skincare is having its moment in the sun, we also know that starting your skincare journey can be overwhelming. Overwhelming and EXPENSIVE.

We’re here to tell you that although there are a plethora of high end, magical skincare products out there, you don’t need to spend a fortune to take care of your face.

If your budget is tight, we think you’re better off saving your dough for regular facials and spending less on at-home products. We promise your skin will thank you!

Here are a few of our very favorite drug-store skincare products:

Cleanser: Liquid Neutrogena (the original). If you’re going to wash your face, we say wash your face! Many face washes promise to soften, clear, and moisturize your skin, but honestly, at this stage in the game, removing makeup and dirt from the day should be your priority. So many expensive, glamorous face washes over promise and under deliver. This OG Neutrogena does the trick with minimal ingredients and no nasty stuff like parabens, fragrances, and harsh detergents.

Moisturizer: CeraVE Daily Moisturizing Lotion. Recommended by dermatologists everywhere, this stuff is heavy duty but won’t clog your pores or leave you feeling greasy. Ceremides in this product work to actually heal your skin from the inside out. Your face will be dewy and soft all day long and you won't have a single pimple to show for it. 

Serum: Pacifica GEM Serum. We love Pacifica products because they’re cruelty free, paraben-free, vegan, and budget-friendly. The Pacifica GEM Serum will brighten up your complexion, soften your pores, moisturize your skin, and leave your wallet in-tact.

Acne Fighter: Differin Gel OTC. Previously only available with a prescription, this super powerful retinoid is the first FDA approved of its kind for over the counter sales. Retinoids are incredible at clearing acne and minimizing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. You’ll get better results with Differin than with other high-end products and you won’t break the bank.

Toner: Thayers Alcohol-free Rose Petal Witch Hazel with Aloe Vera. A cult classic that we can’t get enough of, this toner is soothing, nourishing, and safe for sensitive skin. Unlike many other toners, this product does not contain alcohol, so it won’t dry you out. It’s a winner for us!

Face Mask: L'Oréal Paris Skincare Pure-Clay Face Mask with Charcoal. This product has incredible reviews all over the web and for good reason. For less than $10, this non-drying face mask will leave your skin feeling clean, smooth, and balanced. You’ll clear your pores and your face will GLOW. We think it works as well (if not better) than the luxury brand charcoal face masks out there and for a fraction of the price.

Questions? Comments? General feedback? Let us know!

Glow on, gorgeous!


The Simply Crystal Team

Get Your Best Brows and Lashes With These 6 Tips

A few incredibly lucky women are naturally blessed with gorgeous brows and lashes, but the rest of us have to work a little harder to get the look we want.

While brow gel and mascara can go a long way, it's still always the (ever evasive) dream to achieve those big eyes and fierce brows right when you wake up. While we aren't miracle workers, and we can't change your genetics, we do have a little advice to get you closer to that dream.

Here are 6 tips to help you achieve your best brows and lashes:

  1. PUT DOWN THE TWEEZERS! Raise your hand if you’ve been personally victimized by brows of the 90s. You know what we’re talking about… those skinny, over plucked, horrifying brows that were ridiculously popular (and also just ridiculous) in the 90s and early 2000s. Many of us are still recovering from this eyebrow abuse, and it’s very hard to stay away from the tweezers while we’re in the recovery process. But just like you need to stop picking at your face to clear up your acne, you need to stop tweezing your brows to get them back to their natural glory. If you need a brow cleanup, let a professional take care of you.

  2. Try castor oil. Castor oil is rumored to encourage hair growth in follicles that have been damaged thanks to over plucking or waxing. Believers claim that it's the holy grail, and we think it can’t hurt to try!

  3. Use a lash enhancer like GrandeLASH. If you want something a little more clinically supported than castor oil, GrandeLASH is for you.  Lash enhancers have come a long way since they first appeared on the market, and GrandeLASH is our favorite by a long shot. This award-winning lash enhancing serum is infused with vitamins, antioxidants, and amino acids to promote naturally longer, thicker-looking lashes in just four to six weeks. You can expect to see full results in three months for nearly half the price of other popular lash enhancers.

  4. Use quality mascara and throw out the old stuff. Your old mascara could be harming your lashes AND your vision. Bacteria growth on old makeup is very common and can cause eye infections and lash loss. Just say no!

  5. Get a lash lift and tint. Okay, so we might be biased, but lash lifts are very popular right now and that’s because they are LIFE CHANGING! If there’s anything that can make you look simultaneously natural and glamorous, a lash lift/tint is it. A lash lift is a technique (preferably performed by a licensed professional, like us!) designed to give you longer-looking beautiful lashes without the need for lash extensions lasting 8 to 12 weeks. 

  6. Get a brow tint. If you haven't had a professional brow tint you are missing out on one of life's greatest beauty tricks. A brow tint will make you appear naturally more youthful (especially if they're a little silver) and brighten up your face. Brows are very in right now, but you don't need a miracle to boost what your mama gave you. 

Questions? Feedback? Let us know!


The Simple Crystal Team

5 Common Myths About Hair Removal

Curly, straight, thick, thin, fair, dark… as women, we spend a LOT of time thinking about hair; how to style it, cut it, shave it, wax it. We want more hair on our heads and less hair everywhere else, especially our face.

American women spend nearly $25,000 in their lifetime getting rid of unwanted hair, and it seems like everyday we hear about a new magical hair removal method. With so much information out there, how’s a girl supposed to know what’s best for her?

To start, we’re bringing you 5 common myths about hair removal to help you make the best removal choice for YOU and worry less about unwanted hair.

Myth #1: Shaving makes your hair grow back darker and thicker.

Truth: When your body hair is untouched, it lies flat and feels soft and thin. When you shave, your hair becomes sort of blunt and feels coarse, but it’s not actually any different than it was before you shaved, it just feels different for a little while. According to the Mayo Clinic, “Shaving facial or body hair gives the hair a blunt tip. The tip might feel coarse or ‘stubbly’  for a time as it grows out. During this phase, the hair might be more noticeable and perhaps appear darker or thicker — but it's not. If you notice a sudden increase in facial or body hair, talk to your doctor. This could be a medication side effect or a sign of an underlying medical condition.”  Worry not shavers, you’re not doing anything wrong.

Myth #2: Laser hair removal is permanent and will get rid of your unwanted hair forever.

Truth: Ohhh we wish this were true! Unfortunately, laser hair removal is not permanent and only works on a small part of the population. While laser hair removal performed by a skilled, licensed professional can delay hair growth and reduce the appearance of unwanted hair by up to 90% for a perfect candidate, some or all of the hair will grow back eventually.

Myth #3: Laser hair removal works on anyone’s hair

Truth: I don’t think we hear enough about the fact that laser hair removal does not work for everyone, namely those with light hair or dark complexions. Laser hair removal is best suited for women with fair skin and dark hair, and even those women may only see a 45% hair reduction with a good chance of regrowth over time. Any technician who tells you that laser hair removal works on everyone or that laser hair removal is permanent is not being truthful, and we know you don’t want someone who doesn’t tell you the truth about your procedure putting a laser on your face. Run for the hills and find another practitioner, and if you want to get rid of your unwanted hair permanently no matter what color it is, that practitioner should be an electrologist.

Myth #4: Electrolysis is the most expensive type of hair removal.

Truth: For many, cost is a major deterrent to finally going after permanent hair removal with electrolysis. We understand that the price-tag can seem a little scary in comparison to that of other removal methods like shaving and waxing. However, electrolysis WILL save you money. I repeat: electrolysis will SAVE YOU MONEY. It is the only FDA approved method for permanent hair removal, so while it might seem costly at the time, when you add up the amount of money you would otherwise spend on hair removal services your investment in electrolysis will be worth while and cost effective.

Myth #5: Electrolysis is the most painful method of hair removal.

Truth: This myth genuinely bothers us. We know that the probe can seem scary, but it shouldn't be! Yes, your first few appointments will probably be uncomfortable, but a good electrologist will have numbing cream available and be able to talk you through your concerns. After a handful of appointments, your skin will be used to the procedure and you’ll barely feel anything at all. We even have clients who enjoy the process and use it as a time to relax!


Questions? Feedback? Let us know!

Happy hair removal, gorgeous!


The Simple Crystal Team

9 Supplements that Promote Healthier, Younger, and Clearer Skin

We are always on a mission for clearer, younger looking skin. While topical treatments and regular facials can work WONDERS for an age-defying glow, true skin health starts on the inside. Here are 9 supplements that help promote healthier, younger, and clearer skin.

**As always, please discuss any change in medication or supplement use with your doctor before beginning a new regimen. Full disclaimer can be found at the bottom of this page.

Evening Primrose Oil. This beauty supplement is extracted from the seeds of the Evening Primrose flower and boasts a host of health benefits. Its high levels of the essential fatty acid GLA (gamma-linolenic acid) make it a wonder-supplement that is used to treat a variety of ailments from respiratory health to PMS. Studies have indicated that evening primrose oil can ease skin flare-ups caused by eczema and psoriasis, neutralize free-radicals in the body that cause skin oxidation and wrinkles, and help balance out-of-whack hormones that cause acne.

Ashwagandha. If you haven’t heard of this miracle herb, we are happy to be the ones to introduce you.  Ashwaganda has become hugely popular amongst the alternative-medicine crowd, and for good reason. It’s derived from the root of the ashwagandha shrub and has incredible antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, the kind of thing you need if you’re experiencing skin woes. It’s also been shown to reduce stress and anxiety and normalize blood sugar with virtually no known negative side effects. We’re in.

Maca Root –  Maca root powder is native to the Andes Mountains in Peru and has been shown to help balance hormones and keep your thyroid in check. It’s rich in iron, iodine, vitamin C, and protein – all essential skin-enhancing nutrients. One study also suggests that maca may even help protect skin from sun damage when applied topically. Aside from it’s amazing skin-enhancing properties, maca has been shown to help reduce stress, enhance energy, and improve your libido. Could we ask for more?

Zinc – An alarming number of women in the US are deficient in Zinc, an essential mineral for a healthy body and healthy skin. According to Corina Crysler, clinical nutritionist and co-founder of Glisodin Skin Nutrients, Zinc helps reduce your body’s production of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a male hormone that can increase your chances of having clogged pores and experiencing acne-causing inflammation. One study goes so far as to suggest that supplementing zinc for acne flare ups is comparable to that of prescribed antibiotics!

Pycnogenol- Pycnogenol is a branded pine bark extract and acts as an antioxidant and helps protect the skin from free radicals, lower blood sugar, reduce skin wound healing time (goodbye annoying pimple scab!), and improve skin elasticity. Need to hear more? Several studies have also claimed that Pycnogenol can help fight cancer.

Omega 3 Fish Oil-  The fatty acids in omega 3 fish oil are antioxidant rich and help protect the skin against sun damage, prevent  wrinkles, and reduce acne flare ups. Need less vain reasons to swallow something called fish oil? Omega 3s have also been linked to improvements in cardiovascular health as well as better memory and cognition.

Milk thistle – Milk thistle is derived from an annual plant that is commonly found in Germany. It’s famous for its detoxifying and anti-inflammatory abilities. It contains silymarin, which works to cleanse the liver and help your liver process fat more efficiently. What does this have to do with clear, healthy skin you ask? Everything! When you support your liver and its elimination functions, you support the healthy removal of excess hormones and free radicals in your body, both major causes of breakouts, wrinkles, and dull skin.

DIM - DIM is short for for diinodolymlethane. It's a natural, food-based compound found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and brussel sprouts. If you suffer from hormonal acne, DIM may be a game changer. It’s been shown to be a powerful anti-androgen (androgens are male hormones and androgen excess can cause severe hormonal acne, weight gain, and male-pattern hair growth) and it helps your body metabolize excess estrogen, which can also cause weight gain and hormonal acne.

Magnesium.   Anywhere from 50% - 80% of Americans are magnesium deficient. And our bodies NEED magnesium! We can’t synthesize proteins, have a functional nervous system, regulate our blood sugar, or produce energy without it. We also need it to de-stress and regenerate skin cells. You KNOW what stress does to your skin, so get on that magnesium train and glow, baby, glow.

If you have any questions on how to start an amazing skincare regimen, please contact us today!

Glow on gorgeous!


The Simply Crystal Team



**As always, please discuss any change in medication or supplement use with your doctor before beginning a new regimen. All information and resources found on are based on the opinions of the author unless otherwise noted. All information is intended to motivate readers to make their own health decisions after consulting with their health care provider. No information on this site should be relied upon to determine diet, make a medical diagnosis, or determine treatment for a medical condition. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. NO information on this site should be used to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or condition.By reading this website, you acknowledge that you are responsible for your own health decisions. Do not take anything from any website, including this one, and try it without proper research and medical supervision. Any statements or claims about the possible health benefits conferred by any foods or supplements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease.

5 Easy Skincare Tips to Glow at Home

We would LOVE for you to be in the Simply Crystal office every month (or more!) for a facial, but we know that’s not always possible. Life happens! Luckily, DIY skincare has gotten easier and easier, and the market is flooded with quality ingredients promising life-changing effects on your skin.

So how do you know what actually WORKS??

Again, we are all seriously BUSY. Managing work, school, kids, a social life, relationships, getting to the gym, meal prepping, sleeping… how are we supposed to fit in a 20-step skincare routine amongst all of the chaos?

Fear not, beauties. You don’t need to spare two hours of your very precious time in order to maintain your post-facial glow in between trips to your esthetician. Here are 5 super easy steps to keep your skin looking and feeling its best at home:

1. Face icing and/or ice rolling

This is VERY on-trend right now in the beauty world.  Celebrities like Kate Moss and Jasmine Tookes swear by the anti-aging, pore refining, acne killing effects of icing your face, and maybe you buy into that, maybe you don’t. But have you ever marveled at that dewy glow your skin holds onto after exercising outside in the frigid winter months? Basically, as the rest of your body heats up, circulation increases, aiding your complexion and forcing your pores to open and then quickly restrict when you step inside. BOOM glow-time.

Not enough to convince you? We know for a fact that ice decreases swelling, and who doesn’t want to bring down the dreaded puffiness we experience after a glass of wine too many or a late night at the office?  To achieve that baby face, pore-less glow anytime you want, start icing your face! You can purchase a $10 dollar ice roller on amazon or just use an ice cube from your freezer. We love getting a double treatment by ice rolling in the morning and then using an ice cube at night, after your double-wash… which brings us to….

2. Do the double wash before bed 

We know that you’re exhausted by the time you’ve made it into the bathroom for your nightly skincare routine (and maybe your “routine” is just splashing some water on your face and hitting the hay), but we can’t stress the importance of a double wash enough. Not only do you have makeup to remove, but your face stores built-up oil and dead skin cells throughout the day (gross, I know).

The best way to clear that dead skin is to get regular facials, but double washing at night will DEFINITELY help in between visits to your esthetician. The first wash breaks up your makeup and general buildup, the second wash ACTUALLY gets your face clean!


We know you’ve heard this a million times, but if there is one tip on this list that you should follow religiously, it’s this one. Your skin is your biggest organ. If you treat it well and keep it hydrated, it will repay you by appearing younger, retaining its elasticity, and looking glowy as all get-out.

4. Sunscreen

Again, we know you’ve heard this a million times, but a million and one won’t hurt. THE SUN IS RUINING YOUR FACE.  Excess sun exposure causes premature signs of aging like wrinkles and dark spots and it dries out the skin you work so hard to keep moisturized. Oh, and it causes cancer! There are so many amazing products out there that include sun protection so there is literally no excuse to skip this step in your routine.

5. Vitamin C 

A true miracle worker. A quality Vitamin C serum or moisturizer promotes collagen production (which fills in fine lines and wrinkles), helps protect your skin from sun damage (not an excuse to skip the sunscreen though, okay??), reduces under-eye circles, brightens your complexion, evens out skin tone, reduces inflammation, and improves skin moisture. Need we say more?? Vitamin C is our spirit animal and should be yours too.

Looking for more recommendations or have specific questions about your skin? Give us a call! We are here to help always.

Now go forth and glow gorgeous! 



The Simply Crystal Team

3 Books You Should Read Today if you Suffer from a Hormonal Imbalance

It’s estimated that over 80% of women in the United States suffer from some sort of hormonal imbalance. Thanks to the insane amount of chemicals and added hormones found in our food, beauty products, and household cleaners, women are surrounded by more endocrine disruptors than ever before. Issues like PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) and endometriosis are rampant, and hysterectomies are currently the second most common surgery among women in the United States; what’s worse is the fact that, according to some experts, two-thirds of those hysterectomies are unnecessary.

Whether you’re suffering from “minor” imbalances, like PMS, bad menstrual cramps, and acne, or you’ve been diagnosed with a severe condition like PCOS and suffer from insulin resistance and hirsutism (male pattern hair growth in women caused by high levels of androgens in the blood stream), there’s HOPE for healing. These resources have helped thousands of women get their life back and their hormones under control WITHOUT surgery and medication.

1.      WomanCode and FLO Living 
Alisa Vitti, author of the WomanCode and creator of FLO Living, is a hormone GURU. She cured herself of debilitating PCOS with diet and a plan she coined as “cycle syncing.” Her book WomanCode is full of invaluable information on the female menstrual cycle and the INCREDIBLE role that our endocrine system has in basically every aspect of our life. If you’re a woman with or without hormonal issues, you need this book. Vitti also has an awesome app called MyFLO and a website/blog filled with awesome (FREE!) info. Check her out!

2.      PCOS Diva
Run by another PCOS sufferer, Amy Medling, PCOS Diva is an awesome site filled with tips and tricks on taking control of your hormonal health. She also recently published a book featuring her 21-Day healing plan for PCOS stocked full of information on regaining control over your health without artificial hormones and surgery.

3.      The Hormone Cure and The Hormone Reset Diet
A national best selling author and beloved by women all over the world (perhaps most notably by the ever-glowing Gwyneth Paltrow), Dr. Sara Gottfried offers a revolutionary take on the role that nutrition plays in our hormonal health. The Hormone Reset Diet will do more than help you regulate your hormonal imbalances; Dr. Gottfried promises to help women of all ages achieve increased energy, resilience, vitality, and sensuality through science-based natural therapies… AND she boasts that you can lose up to 15 lbs In 21 days by following her plan.


Many of our clients suffer from hormonal imbalances. If you're looking for additional support with hormonal issues, please don't hesitate to discuss your symptoms with your doctor. More than anything, we want you all to be your healthiest, happiest, BEST selves.


Sending you love!!



The Simply Crystal Team

5 Reasons Why You NEED A Facial Before the Official Start of Summer

You know that a quality skincare routine is essential for maintaining healthy, glowing skin, especially in the dry, winter months (it’s certainly easy to remember to moisturize when your skin feels like an armadillo…). But just because the temperature is rising and there’s FINALLY some moisture in the air, doesn’t mean that you should throw caution to the wind and abandon your daily skincare rituals!

In fact, we think that it is even MORE important to take extra-quality care of your skin in the summer. Spending more time outside means that you’re exposed to extra harmful UVA/UVB rays, free radicals, and nasty pollution (all MONSTERS on your face!).

The one habit that will truly transform your skin before the end of summer? REGULAR. FACIALS.

Say it with us now: regular, QUALITY, facials!

Not just going to take our word for it? Here are 5 amazing reasons why you should book your first facial before the official start of summer:

1. You want that glowing skin WITHOUT all the makeup.

No one wants a face full of heavy foundation in the summer! The best season of the year brings us outdoor concerts and happy hour in beer gardens, but it also brings sweat... and there’s nothing cute about sweaty, dripping makeup! How to avoid it? Keep up with your skincare routine and get regular facials before and DURING the summer months. This will help even the skin tone of your gorgeous face, allowing you to confidently skip the heavy makeup and rock that dewy, natural look all summer long.

2. You want to minimize and prevent skin discoloration.

If we had it our way, you’d keep that beautiful face out of the sun COMPLETELY, but we know that’s asking a lot. Along with wearing moisturizer with SPF, like this one from Dermalogica, EVERY DAY, regular facials will further help repair the dark spots and hyper-pigmentation you may have already developed and help prevent them in the future. 

3. You want to slow down the aging process.

Regular facials exfoliate and rejuvenate your skin, promote healthy cell turnover, and minimize the signs of aging, like fine lines and wrinkles! Need we say more?? Hello champagne on the balcony, goodbye sunspots.

4. You want to get rid of build up and clogged pores.

A cleansing facial will clear your skin of toxins, dirt, and oil buildup. We face an ungodly amount of free radicals and pollution in our daily lives, especially the more time we spend outside! Regular facials will unclog your pores and help your skin absorb the products you use at home, leaving you with healthier, happier, younger looking skin.

5. You want to relax!

You’ve survived another winter! A facial is like magical massage, for your face! Give yourself a break from staring at a computer screen all day or running around like a mad-woman taking care of everyone else but YOU. A facial is the kind of self care that lasts long after your appointment, helping you face the world as a more calm, glowing version of the incredible woman you are!

Questions about what kind of facial is right for YOU?? Give us a call today and prepare to glow on, gorgeous!



The Simply Crystal Team